Wednesday, August 17, 2011

About Me

My instructor requested that I answer five questions about myself.

1. Where did you come from?
I was conceived, I was carried, I was born. My actual location of birth, Eastern Kentucky, is pitiful and not very opportunistic to say the least.

2. What are your experiences with writing?

I write in several different mediums. I have a journal, which I log different day-to-day concerns in, and I write for classes. I have like many other people my age experience with Facebook, and other social networks. I am one of those people that tends to enjoy writing and reading, which some see as a boring hobby.

 3. What is seriously important about my belief structure?
I have a somewhat strange belief system, sometimes I will see something as morally wrong yet turn around and praise it another day. I am not outwardly religious, and I do not see religion as many people do, I will never push a belief on someone else, nor will I condescend on those that are not religious. I have never called anyone stupid for not believing in what I do, nor have I told him or her that he or she are "going to hell" as many other people will.

I believe that the government is faulty, and that social uprisings are the only way to provide sufficient change. I do not think that people should sit idly by while the government "fucks them in the ass".  The main controversy that I face because of my beliefs would have to be my opposition to war in all forms. I abhor war; it’s an endeavor that will never provide solutions to conflict. Supporting war in anyway is like throwing your youth into the war machines mouth and praying that they survive. Why would anyone want to fight a battle that was started by some old bastards that will never set foot in a foreign country.

4. Why the hell are you in college?

I am in college because I want to be, not because anyone made me or decided it was best for me. I decided that I needed to further my education because I want to be more than what I am now. I have no trust fun to live off, and I really could care less about what anyone else thinks other than myself. I am trying to provide a future for my daughter. I would like her to reflect back on my life, and follow in my footsteps as far as trying to better yourself goes (if she did other things that I have, I would be forced to disown her).

5. What kind of culture do you consume?

I watch stupid shit on TV like every other American because I don't want a real grasp on anything that actually pertains to real life. I would rather watch Trueblood than the news because the news only showcases depressing aspects of our culture, the dirge within American society. I am rather fond of certain movies, such as: Kids, Until The Light Takes Us, and Funny Games. I am rather fond of director Larry Clark, even if most others would consider his work borderline pornographic. I listen to music, the type of which depends on my mood. I am a fan of Black Metal, yet I am also a fan of Soul. I will listen to Mayhem, and then turn around and listen to Johnny Farmer. Art is also a big part of my life, I paint and sometimes draw, artists that inspire me would have to be Van Gogh and Dali. I also like photograpy, I am rather inspired by the work of Erwin Olaf as well as many nameless photographers that I stumble across on the internet.

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